We’ve noticed that a lot of online businesses have had to add messages to their websites to reassure their customers that they are still trading during the Coronavirus crisis. Sometimes they are needing to update them on a daily basis on changes in the situation that could affect them, and their customers.
We thought it would be a good idea to knock up a simple WordPress plugin to let site owners add a popup to whatever page their visitors land on. All the site owner has to do is go to the Settings menu in WordPress admin area and add the title and message.
The message shows up the first time a visitor lands on your site and then doesn’t pester them again for 24 hours. We thought this was a good balance between making sure the message is seen and annoying them. However, if the message needs to be updated quickly, that 24 hour timer is reset so any visitors already on the site will see it straight away. The message can be deactivated whenever you want.
If you think this could be useful, let us know and we’ll add it to your site free of charge as long as you’re one of our customers and running a WordPress site.