When you’re speaking to your insurance company or phone provider, they’ll often tell you you can log into your portal to do a lot of what you’re asking them to do yourself. It means you can sort a lot of your own problems out, update details and make changes to whatever services you have. You get 24-hour access and they don’t have to spend hours on the phone helping people. So how can your business make use of this?
Your existing business software (be it Microsoft Business Central, NAV, Dynamics 365, CRM or whatever) is a powerful solution which is already helping you run your business. Why not use the data and processes you already have and get a different view on it? Or let people interact with your system who wouldn’t normally be allowed?
On the face of it, a portal is just a website. However, its power is in how it taps into your system and presents your data in a bespoke way in a customer’s browser. The advantages of this are huge:
- Open up access to your system, whilst controlling exactly what users see.
- Allow customers to interact with your data and reduce data entry (e.g. adding their own purchase orders, change account details).
- Make an online ecommerce shop using your existing product database.
- Build a customer-facing quoting system to allow users to get their own prices for products and services.
- Allow internal staff to use the data they need to use without having to have training in the whole system.
- Users are already know how to use websites, so concepts of clicking links, buttons and fields are already familiar.
- Find new ways of using your existing data without the limits of your software.
- Visualise and summarise data.
- Real-time 24/7 access to data.
Put simply, any function of your current systems can be duplicated on a website so you can have as much or as little of your data and functionality available in a web browser anybody can use. Your customer service options are suddenly wide open!
Our basic portals are fixed price, but we can also add custom elements or create something with a completely bespoke look, feel and functionality.
Find out more, or please get in touch for a more detailed discussion.